Wildlife Protection Forces evacuate wild animals to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for treatment

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Under the auspices of the Princess Alia Foundation and with the participation of the Four Paws Organization

Wildlife protection Forces evacuated wild animals that were living and belonging to some families, and their condition deteriorated due to the events taking place in the country due to the militia rebellion.
Follow-ups from the (Police Press Office) indicate that the Wildlife Protection Forces, with great cooperation and coordination, evacuated more than (4) species of wild animals, including lions, birds, hyenas, deer, and reptiles, whereas these animals were in their worst health condition, an estimated number were rescued after the death of (9) lions and (3) hyenas, in addition to (10) deer, in addition to some animals being injured by gunshots and shrapnel.
It is noteworthy that these animals were evacuated from the Sudan Wildlife Park with great assistance and an appreciated effort from the Four Paws Organization and the officials of the Sudan Park in Al-Bageir to the Umm Barouna Forest in Gazira State and the Zoo in the city of Dinder.
After the outbreak of the events in Gazira State, the remaining animals were evacuated to Kassala State to be evacuated to the Princess Alia Foundation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which took the initiative to receive the animals and ensure their treatment and care in Al Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife and returned them after the security is established in the country.
The cooperation with the Princess Alia Foundation with Sudan is not new, where in the year 2022, a Nile crocodile that had been smuggled into Jordan was confiscated and the Foundation and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) undertake the return of the crocodile to Sudan after its rehabilitation and it was released in the Dinder Federal Reserve. The Wildlife Protection Forces also confiscated a number of (3) smuggled Shaheen Falcons in the same year, and they were re-released into nature in the Kingdom of Jordan in cooperation with the Princess Alia Foundation and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in addition to a number of (2) lions from the Sudan Park in Al-Bageir, which were transported to Al Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife in Jordan in 2022, after her health condition also deteriorated, with assistance from the Princess Alia Foundation and the for Four Paws Organization.
The Minister of the Interior and the Director General of the Police Forces had agreed to the evacuation process, which is part of the alternative plan to preserve this great wealth and legacy.
Director of the Wildlife Protection Forces, Police Lieutenant General Mohamed Ibrahim Awadalla, Police Major General Essam El Din Hader Haggar, Police Major General Adel Mohamed Abdalla, in addition to a number of officers, worked in harmony with the founders of Sudan Park and the Four Paws Organization, which was reflected in the success of the rescue process until it reached the Sea and the animals are prepared and their final procedures are completed to leave the country to Al Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
While the number of animals that will be evacuated reached (15) animals, including (11) lions and (4) hyenas, these animals will return to the country after the crisis is over, in addition to (4) other lions that need close care and will return after receiving adequate treatment.


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