Police Spokesman: 31,000 electronic reports recorded within four months

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Port Sudan: The Official Spokesman’s Platform

Today, the Police revealed new statistics on criminal reports recorded on the electronic reporting platform in the period from June 1 to October 21, which were estimated at more than (31) thousand reports.

Brigadier General Fath al-Rahman Mohamed El-Toam, the Official Spokesman for the Police Forces, explained in a press statement today that the total number of reports registered in the past four months until October amounted to 31,667 reports, with 113 reports of missing persons recorded, 40 reports of assault on oneself, and 7,721 reports of assault on property, reports of missing cars recorded 23,761 reports, noting that missing cars were recovered for more than 40 reports.

Fath al-Rahman confirmed that the Criminal Action Committee formed by the Minister of the Interior, Lieutenant General Khalid Hassan Mohieddin, investigated and took the necessary measures in the conduct of criminal cases for these reports, adding that the Committee blocked the cars reported stolen in the traffic system so that they would not be licensed or traded in buying and selling, as well as by distributing criminal bulletins with their descriptions to all departments and to Interpol so that they can be caught if they escape abroad.

The Official Police Spokesman called on citizens who have been subjected to violations, crimes, and violations in areas of conflict and war to report it via the Electronic Police Report Platform in order to preserve their rights, noting that the criminal claim begins with opening the report.

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